Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Venture Brothers

The Venture Brothers is the best cartoon on Cartoon Network (Adult Swim). It’s got action, humor, and some of the best villains I’ve seen in a long time. I nearly fell off of my couch when I saw Magic 8 Ball man! He, of course, doesn’t speak. He shakes himself and you read his answer on his chest-plate.

Dean: Dad is super serious all of a sudden. Do you really think he’s in as much danger as he says he is? Brock: Oh yeah, he’s screwed. I give him about an hour before he panics and begs for us to haul him up. Dr. Venture: Okay guys, I can hear all this

It’s definitely quirky—when one of the main characters is voiced by Patrick Warburton (The Tick, Puddy, et al) you know it’s gonna be a little off. It pokes fun at lot of cartoons from yesteryear. You’ll notice the nod to Johnny Quest right off. A tad of Hardy Boys, a dose of Austin Powers, with the camp of Brisco County, Jr. (how’s that for an eclectic reference) what’s not to like?

Brock is chained up, talking to Hank through his communicator watch
Brock: After the twist, you’ll hear a snap. Then the body goes ragdoll on ya.
Hank: And that will knock him out…even more?
Brock: That’ll kill him
Hank: Do I have to?
Brock: Alright fine, crybaby. Just tie him up and, maybe I guess gag him. But at the first sign of trouble I want you to at least break both his knees.

Check it out on Cartoon Network -- it’s usually on Sunday nights -- I think you’ll be glad you did.

FYI: I feel compelled to mention that this show is on Adult Swim, so it’s not really for little kids. I think it’s rated TV-PG, but still some of them can get a little raunchy.

Mass. Pirate: We need that key to stash your boat, Mr. Big Stuff, let’s have it.
Brock: ... it’s up my ass.
Pirate #1: Are you serious?
Brock: Why don’t you check?
Pirate #1: (to other pirate) Well? Check!
Mass. Pirate: But what if he’s lying?
Pirate #1: If he were telling the truth, that would be better?

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