Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Comatose 'Compatibility Mode'

OK, so after mentioning it in my last post, I’ve decided to go ahead and implement it. Comatose version 0.7.1 adds a DEFER_COMATOSE_LOAD flag that you can use to, well, defer comatose’s loading. You will have to manually tell it to load in your environment.rb using Comatose.load.

See this devblog post for more.

Normally, I’d only post this on the Comatose development blog, but I wanted to make sure anybody who’s having problems using Comatose with other plugins/applications knows about this. If you have problems or questions, leave a comment here. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about that. The rules are pretty straight-forward, _except_ for the home page.
    You send the page's path into the @<%= render :comatose=>'slugs/to-the/target-page' %>. Normally, the path is comprised of the page's ancestor's slugs. However, the root page (the home page) always has a @path@ of ''. So, for the home page, you'd use:
    @<%= render :comatose=>'' %>@
